How to Grow Your Email List Fast with

Hey guys! Welcome to my blog. If you're new here, I'm Jo, and I help creatives with freelancing, passive income, and tech.

Today, I'm going to show you how to grow your email list quickly and for free using a few powerful tools: Chat GPT, Canva, and

Tools You'll Need

  • Chat GPT: Helps with idea generation and content creation.

  • Canva: Assists in designing your lead magnet.

  • Bring everything together by creating an opt-in page, capturing emails, and managing your automated email marketing.

Step 1: Create Your Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is something valuable you offer in exchange for someone's email address. It should be packed with useful information or teach your ideal client a simple, time-effective skill. Ebooks are a great starting point for anyone.

  1. Grab a Google Doc: Start drafting your lead magnet.

Step 2: Open Chat GPT

Prompts are crucial when using Chat GPT. Be detailed and specific as if you're talking to someone who knows nothing about your topic.

  1. Ask for Ideas: Get suggestions on topics for your lead magnet.

  2. Ask for an Outline: Create a structured outline to follow.

  3. Content Creation: While you can ask Chat GPT to write content, I recommend writing as much as you can yourself to keep it authentic and infused with your unique touch.

Step 3: Create Your Lead Magnet PDF

Using Canva:

  1. Set Up an Ebook: Design your ebook in Canva. Make it visually appealing and professional.

  2. Include Affiliate Links: If you have affiliate programs that complement your content, add those links to provide additional value and potentially earn commissions.

  3. Download the ebook as a PDF ready to share with your new subscribers

Step 4: Create the Opt-In Page


  1. Set Up Opt-In Page: Create a landing page where visitors can sign up to receive your lead magnet.

  2. Set Up Thank You Page: Design a thank you page that visitors see after signing up. This page confirms their subscription and you can also deliver the lead magnet on this page too.

Step 5: Optional - Set Up Automated Emails

If you want to take it a step further:

  1. Set Up a Campaign: Create an email sequence to nurture your new subscribers.

  2. Set Up a Trigger: Define what action triggers the email sequence, like signing up for your lead magnet.

  3. Send your ebook: You can also create an automatic email to send when people have signed up. All you need to do is store your ebook in Google Drive, or Dropbox or copy a link straight from Canva. Then put it in the email.

Step 6: Drive Traffic to Your Opt-In

Now that everything is set up, it's time to get traffic to your opt-in page.

  1. Create Content on Social Media: Share valuable content related to your lead magnet on your social platforms.

  2. Share with Friends and Family: Encourage them to sign up and share with their networks.

  3. Post in Facebook Groups: Join groups related to your niche and share your lead magnet where appropriate.

That’s a wrap

Growing your email list doesn't have to be daunting, especially with tools like Chat GPT, Canva, and at your disposal. Give it a go and start collecting those email addresses!

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